What is Naturopathy?
Naturopathy is a distinct medical system developed over 150yrs from Europe, through America, and now practiced in over 100 countries worldwide.
Naturopathic assessment takes an holistic view of a person's health history, body systems, emotional and spiritual wellbeing, through detailed consultation & case taking. Conventional medical data and medicines are also taken into consideration.
Naturopathic practice is usually based on a combination of core modalities, such as diet & healing foods, stress & lifestyle counselling, herbal medicine, nutritional supplements & probiotics, and may diversify with other trusted healing modalities, such as homeopathy and first light flower essences.
The Naturopathic approach to assessing poor health and restoring good health is often complex, and non-linear.
The 6 Principles of Naturopathy are:
First do no harm
Use the healing power of nature
Identify and treat the cause
Treat the person as a whole
Physician as teacher
Prevention is the best cure.
Naturopathy is a philosophy of health. All civilisations have used natural therapies to assist the body’s natural healing processes. Naturopathic medicine draws on these ancient understandings and integrates it with modern day scientific knowledge to overcome illness and restore good health, vitality, and sense of wellbeing.
The six principals of naturopathy:
First do no harm
Use the healing power of nature
Identify and treat the cause
Treat the person as a whole
Physician as teacher
Prevention is the best cure.
Naturopathic medicine is gentle, safe and effective for all ages and conditions. If we cant treat the condition we can help to relieve it. The central approach is to identify the underlying causes of a person's health complaint, and apply a range of tried and true, natural healing therapies to promote the body’s self-healing mechanisms.
New Zealand naturopathic medicine is governed by safe practice legislation and can work alongside conventional medicine by keeping within our scope of practice, checking for interactions between medicines and any foods, supplements, or remedies we use. Client confidentiality is guaranteed and I will refer to General Practitioners or other appropriate health practitioners when needed.
Such therapies include:
Targeted nutrition and healing foods
Natural vitamins, minerals & probiotics
Herbal & Homeobotanical remedies
Lifestyle and stress management
Relaxation massage